Tradycyjna surówka z kiszonej kapusty w trochę innej formie. Prosta a efektowna surówka z kapusty kiszonej połączonej z czerwoną.

Soki z czerwonej kapusty przesiąkają do innych składników zabarwiając surówkę na piękny kolor.

Dodatek marchwi i czerwonej kapusty łagodzi kwaśny smak. Sałatkę dodatkowo pokropiłam winegretem z oleju rzepakowego i miodu.

Samo zdrowie.

Sauerkraut salad that is eaten commonly during the winter months here. Sauerkraut is something that I grew up with. It has been part of our menu for ages as fermenting the vegetables like cabbage, cucumbers was a way of preserving them for winter.

Only now fermented vegetables gain in popularity all over the world.

It is a base of the traditional sauerkraut stew called bigos. Sauerkraut is  stewed for a long time with the addition of meats, cold cuts, wine, spices, smoked prunes and lots of other ingredients. Love it! Could be eating it all day every day J

Sauerkraut is extremely healthy. With loads of vitamin C, lactic bacteria to mention just a few.

Until recently my parents were preparing their own batch of the sauerkraut.  My sister and I  were always involved in preparation.

I used to be cutting out the cores from the cabbage and cleaning the cabbage heads. Well I just love eating the cores while removing them. My sister was peeling and grating  the carrots. My father would shred the cabbage heads.

The shredded cabbage  would be put into the barrel together with the carrot. My mother would put a handful of kosher salt on top of every 4-6 inch layer of the the cabbage  and would pound the cabbage with a heavy bat to extract as much juice as possible. Once the barrel was half full, my mom would cover it with a linen cloth, put a plate on top and weigh the contents with a heavy stone.

Then the magic would start. After a few days of ugly smells coming from the basement and pounding and mixing it every day by my mother, the cabbage would turn into the healthiest ingredient of our winter menu.

Nowadays, we do not do it anymore. I just buy the sauerkraut on my local farmers’ market. Yet there is no sauerkraut as tasty as my mother used to make.

Anyway, back to the salad. I mixed the sauerkraut with the shredded red cabbage which leeks its beautiful color into the other  ingredients and mellows the sauer taste. Otherwise it is quite traditional.


Lilia, xoxo

Proporcja na 4 osoby


2 szklanki kapusty kiszonej
½ główki czerwonej kapusty, średniej wielkości
2 marchewki
1 czerwona cebula
zielona pietruszka
nasiona czarnuszki
miód zwykły lub fermentowany
olej rzepakowy


Czerwoną kapustę szatkujemy cienko. Marchew obieramy i ścieramy na grubej tarce. Czerwoną cebulę szatkujemy w cienkie plasterki. Pietruszkę siekamy drobno.

Wszystkie składniki surówki mieszamy ze sobą. Doprawiamy pieprzem. Odstawiamy na minimum godzinę, aby składniki się przegryzły.

Przekładamy do miski, polewamy olejem rzepakowym i posypujemy pietruszką oraz ziarenkami czarnuszki.

Portion for 4 people


2 cups sauerkraut
½ head of medium size red cabbage
2 carrots
1 red onion

nigella seeds
rapeseed oil
1 tablespoon of fermented honey

 Shred the red cabbage finely. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater . Slice the red onion into thin slices. Finely chop the parsley.

Mix all the ingredients together. Season with pepper. Let stand for at least an hour for the tastes to mingle together.

Transfer into a bowl. Mix the honey with the rapeseed oil  and drizzle on top of the salad, then put with  the parsley and nigella seeds.